"So we want to put the robot down on the ground and see how it gets back up on its feet.Robots that can venture into disaster zones in place of humans need to be tough enough to cope in hazardous environments. HyQ2Max’s main designer was mechanical design engineer Jake Goldsmith who made its torso from aerospace-grade aluminum alloy, with lightweight fiberglass and Kevlar covers protecting the onboard computer. To protect itself while deployed in a structure damaged in an earthquake, for example, HyQ2Max is designed to be robust against the impact of falling objects. While the robot is being designed with search and rescue missions in mind, Semini said that it could prove a useful tool for many industries..Legged robots that mimic the robustness and versatility of animals could be a solution. But designing quadruped automatons that are dynamic enough to cope with any scenario has proved problematic.

So this can happen in reality when the robot, for example, slips or is somehow falling down for whatever reason; the robot needs to be able to get up again," said Semini.Step forward HyQ2Max — the latest and most powerful four-legged robot to come out of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).Key to HyQ2Max’s potential for real-world application is its ability to get back on its feet even when knocked China Hydraulic pneumatic seal Supplier completely over.Animal-like in posture and movement, HyQ2Max is an improved version of their hydraulic quadruped robot HyQ. In addition all sensitive parts like sensors, valves, actuators and electronics are protected inside the structure."Much like a cat or a goat that is very agile on rough terrain, this robot can in the future help in very unstructured environments, for example after an earthquake, after a tsunami or after a house has collapsed for other reasons; these kind of robots can be applied in an environment where the terrain is difficult and where you don’t want to send people," explained Claudio Semini, who is leading the research. So far, the only viable robots are wheeled or tracked vehicles but these cannot cope with many terrains and situations. With its larger joint ranges and higher joint torques, HyQ2Max can right itself in a matter of seconds.

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Aditya Seal who debuted as a teen actor opposite Manisha Koirala in Ek Chhoti Si Prem Kahani uses his boyish charm but would do well if also learned the methods of acting better.The earlier film Tum Bin wowed audiences with its subtle understated emotional content, and turned out to be one of the sleeper hits that made both the critics and moviegoers sit up and take note of its freshness. And then, there are the sentimental clichéd dramas which are either so saccharine that you start loathing them. Tum Bin 2 is a sequel that gets delivered after 13 years, but retains the same plot. In other words, this inept manipulation to add some drama or some meat to a facile plot looks too forced for us to consume. This time around, producer, writer and director Anubhav Sinha wanted to capitalise on the same points. Also, there are some endearing performances — particularly Kanwaljit’s — and some easy convincing images of a happy family and credible dialogues. And, just like many of the best sentimental dramas on film are closely linked to the theme of love, this one too, has a young girl, Taran (Neha Sharma) and her love Amar (Aashim Gulati) whose display of undying love in the opening scenes predictably spell doom: Amar is presumed dead in a skiing accident.

There’s also a bit of India-Pakistan banter that uncovers a few myths about our neighbouring country’s affiliations. What follows are not many moments of dramatic tension but stereotyped, less compelling minutes of a mindless perverse exploration of a relationship. And thank God for small mercies. Of course, there are some great poignant stories told most heartrendingly that you always cherish and love revisiting.Somewhere in between lies the relentlessly repetitive tale of two-men-one-woman or the two-women-one-man sagas that would never go out of fashion, it seems. By the way, Taran is liberated enough to be going out and having fun with men, but she is too traditional to go the whole hog. She just doesn’t know how to move on. Had it not been her protective family of two sisters, a brother-in-law and Amar’s father (Kanwaljit Singh) Taran would have remained distraught all her life. Life springs many surprises every now and then, and some six months later an affable young man Shekhar (Aditya Seal) comes into her life breezily. No prizes for guessing why her reservations don’t allow this Indian values-wali girl to make out with this attractive young man, although she does succumb to the temptation of a smooch. No, he is not even half as successful as he was the last time: a too stretched, banal story spells doom here. Merrily at one point, both men become an integral part of her life, and her days and nights seem to revolve around the various oscillations that make her swing between the two. And so, it’s time for Amar’s return. At this point, one almost hears a yawn in the theatre. The earlier version had good music that topped the popularity charts; this one has hardly any hummable tune.

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 Vriens said Friday that he never saw the killing, but said later that day a fellow SEAL who was viewing photos of the dead militant on a laptop shared by the platoon asked Gallagher, "Is this the guy?" Vriens said Gallagher replied: "Yes, I stabbed him in the side, then grabbed him by the hair and looked him in the eyes and I stabbed him in the neck."Gallagher, 40, has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder for allegedly shooting civilians.Dalton Tolbert said he and another sniper were in a neighbouring tower in Mosul on June 18, 2017, and had fired warnings shots to scatter civilians by the Tigris River because the Islamic State was operating in the area.

The shootings happened several weeks after other SEALs said they witnessed Gallagher, a medic, stabbing to death a wounded and captive Islamic State fighter in his care. Scott said he suffocated the adolescent by plugging his breathing tube as an act of mercy because he didnt want him to be tortured to death by Iraqi forces. Vriens said he watched through his scope as a fourth girl dragged the wounded girl over a berm and under a bridge to escape. Over the radio, he heard Gallagher say: "You guys missed him, but I got him. I see an issue with that," Tolbert texted others.Tolbert was so upset that when he returned from deployment, he texted members of SEAL Team 7 to say he wanted people to speak up about Gallaghers rubber V ring Factory behaviour.The defence said the testimony was unreliable because no witness reported seeing Gallagher pull the trigger. "I shot more warning shots to save civilians from Eddie than I ever did at ISIS. He also faces a murder charge in the alleged stabbing of a wounded captive Islamic State fighter.During cross-examination, Vriens acknowledged he reported to a superior that day that the Islamic State was shooting civilians.

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